We Believe
We know the perfect career, in fact, there are several perfect careers that are a great match for each person.
We know that every individual has amazing strengths, when harnessed, will light the world. We help students identify and understand their strengths, then learn natural laws of success to live their best life and develop their potential.
We build success through proven science, process and relationships. Hard work is not enough; intelligence is not enough. We teach people the most effective methods to identify their talents, strengths and what makes them unique; then develop skills to connect their talent to a meaningful career to utilize their potential to create the life they want.
A problem we address:
Students will rarely learn about what career is best for them in college and when spending $24,000 a year at public colleges, it proves to be one of the LEAST efficient means of making career decisions. Consider the numbers below, success rates in college are less than impressive. We believe that one of the primary causes of a students failure to launch is that they are unclear on what they should do as a career. Even the students who graduate are taking longer, between 7-12 years to get into their careers. Our process helps students by inspiring them to make smarter decisions and take action to realize their potential.
Professiors have never worked in the field they teach
4 year graduation rate at U.S. public Colleges
6 year graduation rate at U.S Public College
Students can find a great career IF they can answer the 5 Critical Career Questions
80% of professors have never worked in the industry they are teaching Someone can get a general understanding of the workings of an industry but it may take a couple of years to get into the specifics or get an internship. We see many students after a couple years of college who are stressed and unsure of which direction to turn. Many students have what we call, "Catfish Syndrome". It is the result of a very passive and reactive approach to making career decisions. The solution is becoming proactive, taking focused steps that uncover the right career fit, we can help!
Hermann Schulze has invested his 20+ year career in helping students find the most efficient and effective means to launch their career by interviewing hundreds of mentors to learn their secrets. There are 5 Career Questions that every person must answer to gain the experience and wisdom and knowledge that will launch a career they love. He has refined this process over the past 25 years when he began learning and practicing the concepts. His book, "Hit The Ground Running" details the 5 Career Questions and Steps that students.
We have created a systematic approach to help students answer the 5 Most Powerful Career questions to discover the right career fit and take action on living ones best life.